weird guy.

w e l c o m e


Plant Collection

Potted venus flytrap on a window sill Venus flytrap that has caught a dragonfly that is way too big for its trap Mini Orchid Yucca and panda plant on the window sill Purple pitcher plant and two venus flytrap on a window sill A window full of succulent plants in ceramic pots
Catmint plant in a jar next to cat's bowl of food

Cool Spiders

A spider A beautiful orbweaver spider

A spider next to a soap bottle in a shelf A spider next to a soap bottle in a shelf A spider next to a soap bottle in a shelf A very blurry picture of a ?Wolf Spider? The giant giant house spider looking small A giant house spider by the cistern of a toilet A giant giant house spider in a ceiling corner from far away The giant giant house spider looking medium The giant horrible friend of the bathroom ceiling corner


Cat peeking over the flowers




Picture of a orange-brown wavy mushroom Some sort of nitrous mushroom A smooth looking orange mushroom A poison pie mushroom
From left to right: Cabbage parachute, Nitrous bonnet, Conocybe pubescens, and Poison pie

A brown-white mushroom Another mushroom A huge mushroom Potentially more poison pie mushrooms
From left to right: Veiled Fairy Cake, Bald knight, Rough-stalked hebeloma, and Poison pie

Veiled queen mushroom Pretty white mushroom with neck gills
From left to right: Veiled Fairy Cake, and Clitocybe costata